In an industry defined by a lack of diversity,
WFG stands apart.
We Stand For Everyone.

Diversity and Inclusion Are in Our DNA
At World Financial Group, we embrace diversity and inclusion as pillars that have been fundamental to the success of our company. Our licensed independent agents represent more than 75 languages spoken and come from careers of all kinds. From taxi drivers to police officers, from servers to engineers.
Each WFG agent has a different story, but they are all united by one common goal: helping individuals, families and businesses create a better, resilient, financial future. As we grow, our team will foster a culturally diverse workplace where everyone's contributions are valued and respected.
*The numbers in this section are based on the 2024 internal analysis and survey of WFG life-licensed agents.
What is Diversity?
It is the practice or quality of including or involving people from various social, ethnic, cultural, socioeconomic, and educational backgrounds - and much more! At WFG, we celebrate the diversity of our field, where anyone willing to learn, put their client first, and educate others is welcome. Despite our differences in perspective, our diverse financial group shares one common goal: to change lives through financial education, the proper protection, and a business opportunity that allows people to grow in many ways.
Welcoming company diversity has enabled a broad spectrum of people in North America to seize the opportunity that WFG represents as a business, educating and protecting more than 7 million people, from many walks of life and nationalities.
*The numbers in this section are based on the 2024 internal analysis and survey of WFG life-licensed agents.

of the agent population is non-white

More than 50%
of the agent population is female
What is Inclusion?
Inclusion is the practice or policy of providing equal access to opportunities and resources for people who might otherwise be excluded or marginalized. WFG leaders set the tone for inclusion, from the WFG home office to the leaders in the field working with their teams. We promote freedom from favoritism. WFG is a meritocracy - with a model that enables anyone - regardless of gender, ethnicity, education level, sexual orientation, origin, marital status, or any other classification - to advance and earn various levels of recognition based on their results. WFG provides access to opportunities, networks, resources, and support to everyone who joins our organization, wanting to realize a life well-lived, making a difference for themselves and others. We believe in conducting business in an impartial, non-judgmental environment that allows anyone to become more financially educated and successful.
Everyone on the team, from unlicensed associates to licensed agents, models inclusive behaviors every day and represents WFG’s values of treating people fairly, working to make everyone feel valued, respected and connected.
World Financial Group values inclusion in the workplace for the benefits that it provides to employees and the long-term success it will provide to the company as a whole. We all have the power to help each other through developing bonds with our colleagues and our clients. We all have the power to make sure that no family, no individual, no one, is left without the opportunity to better their financial education and resilience.
Embracing Differences
WFG’s focus and impact have been to offer options to people from all walks of life and ways to create a better future for themselves and their families. We are proud to support our field and provide them with opportunities to own their own business while making financial independence and financial security accessible to people within their communities and beyond.

75+ languages spoken
The Importance of D&I at World Financial Group

I believe people from different countries come to America for a better life. With proper financial education and application, people arriving here can be protected. As a Latino, I recognize we need WFG to educate on finances and offer the WFG business opportunity. For the last 17 years, I have seen the impact of WFG on my life and those around me.
–Arlex Flores
Houston, TX

Diversity! Bringing together people from different races, cultures, genders and social backgrounds.
WFG has built a diverse, equitable and inclusive platform that is conducive for everyone.
–Lylian Apono
McKinney, TX

WFG is the best at building community! We have people, not only winning from every background, race, and gender, but they are also all working together as a team to serve and lift others.
–Jaime Villalovos
Nashville, TN

In a community with many differences, I am proud that we in World Financial Group, find true oneness and unity from these unique traits and abilities. We thrive, adapt and rise above in order to impact many lives from all backgrounds.
–Harinder Sukhija
Surrey, BC

The future belongs to the people who believe in themselves. WFG gave me the confidence that I can make a difference for my family, seeing this company promotes Diversity. I’m grateful to represent my community being a Filipino-Canadian woman in this company and lead our team to do the same. We make a difference together through the Diversity of people achieving their goals. We win together as one.
–Karen Chin
Edmonton, AB